About Me

My name is Ryan and I am here to share my personal journey with you.

My Story

I spend my days living a life of balance and harmony, with restful sleep, peaceful sunrise views from the beach, and refreshing barefoot walks followed by daily yoga or ocean swims.

However, it wasn't always like this, and there is much more to my story:

I hail from London, where I spent many years training in bodybuilding, strongman, and martial arts, which brought along with it a host of negative consequences.

The pressure to achieve physical perfection, chronic stress, self-criticism and an unhealthy relationship with food were only the beginning.

I also carried within me a great deal of anger and found myself addicted to a variety of destructive habits, including drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, violence, and crime.

These unhealthy patterns eventually led me to a very dark place where I considered ending my life.

Thankfully, I found myself at a crossroads and made the decision to choose a different path. It was not an easy journey, but it was the most important one I have ever taken.

The process was full of trial and error, introspection, and personal growth, and I am still learning and healing to this day.

I have come to realize that this journey of self-improvement and self-discovery is never truly complete.

Over the years, I have discarded every aspect of that unhealthy lifestyle, removing all negativity and toxicity from my life.

Now, I live a life of appreciation, joy, and good health, while still being able to operate in the real world and run my own business.

I am not happy, but rather content with my path and my journey. I believe that in order to truly learn, we must first venture into the depths of the abyss.

Although it was a painful experience, I now understand that my pain was a gift that helped me to grow and become who I am today.

My scientific and alternative medicine background has been further strengthened by my study of holistic practices and health hacks, including gut health, sleep hygiene, nutrition, yoga, meditation, light therapy, psychology, trauma, and nervous system healing.

I believe that physical health begins from the inside out and that we can all reach our full potential if we are willing to confront our unhealthy habits and toxic influences with honesty and sincerity.

Having a good mentor by your side can make the journey easier and more enjoyable.

In Summary

My journey has been one of transformation and rebirth. I am living proof that with dedication and hard work, we can change our lives for the better. We all have the potential to break free from unhealthy patterns and find peace, joy, and good health. It is my hope that my story can serve as an inspiration to others who may be struggling with similar challenges.

My Approach

  • Science + Spirituality

  • Eastern + Western Philosophies

  • Integrating Natural Medicine

  • Somatic Therapy

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