
Here are some heartfelt testimonials from people I’ve been lucky enough to have helped over the years.

“Ryan's Holistic style of coaching really encompasses everything you could possibly need to feel more empowered with your health. In my personal experience over the year and a half I worked with Ryan I felt so supported, we explored many different avenues to support my health mentally and physically.

I was at a really low point when I reached out to Ryan, I wasn't menstruating, I was having trouble sleeping and switching off from work, I was experiencing disordered eating, was very underweight and my thyroid wasn't operating as it should (Hashimoto's disease)

It's scary reaching out but Ryan welcomed me with open arms. Over the course of our time working together we delved into some inner child work while also supplementing to support my body, we explored systemic family therapies, meditation and breathing, there are no quick fixes in the health game and I feel now I am reaping all the rewards of our work.  The biggest game changer for me was learning how to support my body better and focusing more on how I feel and not what I look like. Now I have lots of energy, I've just had my second 'normal' cycle mostly pain free, I'm sleeping better, my skin is still improving and I have a lot more compassion for myself and others.

If you're questioning whether or not this kind of holistic approach is for you I can assure you, you will benefit from working with Ryan.”

— Angeline Robinson

Health Ascension Package

“The biggest game changer for me was learning how to support my body better”.

“I've suffered from anxiety all of my life, as I got to my mid 30's it got progressively worse culminating in periods of depression, panic attacks, and cycles of destructive behaviour using alcohol to numb myself and cope. By my 40s I'd had time off work and it really started to affect my relationships. I'd used traditional therapy - (Cognitive) and used anti-depressants but felt they were only like a plaster not sorting out the true problems.

I was introduced to Ryan and I can honestly say for me he was life changing. He has a nurturing and calm nature with a wealth of holistic knowledge that assisted me massively breaking my cycle of anxiety, and negative behaviours that I never thought I could before I worked with him.

He gave me invaluable advice in all aspects of my life improving my diet, sleep, mindset and way of thinking, whist giving me the tools I needed to soothe my anxiety i.e. a supplement plan, somatic yoga and qi gong exercises whilst also working through my childhood trauma.

He will give you the tools you need to help you grow and you need to be committed. For me it was powerful and activated a sense of self- empowerment.

The whole journey has created a better version of myself; more aware, more balanced with a greater confidence looking forward to a new path with trust in the tools Ryan has given me. Bless you Brother! With Love and Respect.”

— David

“I was introduced to Ryan and I can honestly say for me he was life changing. He has a nurturing and calm nature with a wealth of holistic knowledge.”

“A year has passed since I began my healing journey with Ryan, I can honestly say it was the best and hardest thing I've done.

I found Ryan on Instagram and so thankful I did as I was ready for someone to help me with my gut issues once and for all and knew he would be the guy for the job.

I did 12 weeks of the gut healing programme (which is much more than just gut work). Ryan was so understanding and supportive throughout... he always looked for alternatives if I was struggling with certain foods, had loads of knowledge beyond the gut on what I was putting on my body i.e deodorants etc.

This is all just a tiny scratch of the surface of what we went through and although extremely difficult at stages, Ryan was so supportive. I didn't just feel like a client I ended up feeling like a friend due to how much time and effort he went into supporting my healing journey - from nutrition, sleep, daily routines and more.

But this is where it gets better... Ryan knew during this time I was also trying to get pregnant, he took it upon himself to support me with this too which was unexpected but highly appreciated. He gave me loads of advice from supplements for myself and my partner and in general changing the mindset to a more positive one.

My 3 months ended in April 2021. Ryan predicted I would fall pregnant May 2021. After a bit of time going solo after my time with Ryan ended... I received a messaged from him the day I found out I was pregnant.

If that doesn't scream weird or if you don't believe in signs from the universe I don't know what does!

I strongly believe that everything he taught me and took me through, helped me not only create optimal health for myself but fall pregnant and create the best possible soil for my baby.

So... well done if you took the time to read this through, secondly get yourself this guru/sensei marvellous human to help you with any of your healing needs. I promise you won't regret it!! “

— “Happy Client"

“I was struggling to get pregnant before Ryan’s 12 week programme”.

“I initially reached out to Ryan on Instagram as I had found his page and was so engaged in his content he was sharing. Everything seemed to resonate with me.

I contacted him to find out more about his gut reset program as I felt that this was a key area for me that I wanted to delve into deeper. From that very first conversation and with every one we had after that I felt like Ryan completely got me.

He is so knowledgeable in so many areas and I think this all comes down to his personal life experiences and healing/growth - he is human too. Our conversations became about much more than gut health.

Working with Ryan opened my eyes up to so much from how the food we eat can affect us, to our daily habits, childhood experiences/traumas, how we care for ourselves (social media, movement, ways we relax, talk to ourselves etc). It was a massive learning journey for me. I am a perfectionist by nature and always want to do everything 100%, 100% of the time.

Working with Ryan helped me to see that life is about progress rather than perfectionism. I highly recommend working with Ryan if you want to work on yourself and take your progression to another level.

Thank you Ryan for being you and for your part in my healing journey.”

— beccie

“He is so knowledgeable in so many areas and I think this all comes down to his personal life experiences and healing/growth - he is human too.”

“There are no words to express the depth of my gratitude for you sharing your time, experience and knowledge with me.

You provided the tools that I needed to improve my well-being, physical and mental health. I always felt so supported and heard and, just by you being you, it allowed me to share my thoughts and feelings without fear. You guided me through my anxieties with such understanding. Thank you so much!!

I had punished my body for all of my adult life. I was always bloated, experienced gut pain, my periods were extremely heavy, so painful and I'd get moody. I had no idea that some of the food I habitually ate was causing my body so much distress. My pooping was irregular and I felt depressed. I definitely did not love or appreciate my body.

Your guidance helped me to choose to be kind and caring to my body and appreciative of it in ways I hadn’t before.

Now...... I’m pooping more regularly, my period is no longer painful, my cycle is more normal and mentally and emotionally, I feel balanced and sleep has improved. I am no longer obsessing everyday about how my body looks and when those negative thoughts come up.... I am practising replacing them with what I love and am grateful for about my body.

I know that I still have a lot to work through, old habits to replace, that I cant control everything and sometimes s%^t is going to happen but I feel more equipped now to be able handle those things now I feel more self aware and that my body is functioning much better.

I honestly cannot thank you enough. “

— Tan

“Your guidance helped me to choose to be kind and caring to my body and appreciative of it in ways I hadn’t before”.